Tuesday, November 22, 2022

With the Change of Seasons...

 ... my four month long, 400 hour house painting expedition is done, at least for this year.  I now find myself  struggling to get back into the swing of the hobby.  Time is still short with the holidays in close pursuit and a seemingy endless list of long neglected tasks at hand (put off by the painting expedition), but there are windows of opportunity.

Over the last couple of weeks, I've managed to put a little paint on a number of 15mm Cold War vehicles, and while the paint is flowing, the process is not.  I just can't seem to get into a rhythm.  Applying a single color sceme with a little dust has been more like giving one's self a root canal.

It's strange in that I have a ton of enthusiam and am bursting with ideas for things to build, figures to paint, and games to play, but have exhibitied the attention span of a two year old thus far.  I'm hoping that the upcoming holiday weekend will help settle me down, allow me to take a tick mark off of my to-do list, and with any luck, play my first game since February.

Stay well out there.


  1. Yep, I feel ya. All the enthusiasm coupled with the attention span of a kitten distracted by a laser pointer. Yep, must be age related, or something? I don't know.

  2. I feel you, moved cross country in July, currently liveing in a small apartment while we house hunt with a 16-month-old in tow. I have not had too much time for anything hobby related.

  3. Been there many times. Give yourself a short break and you will be back up and running.

  4. It is funny, barely a day passed after writing this post, and all of a sudden, everything just clicked. In eight day, I've painted almost 200 figs, and checked off 18 projects from my to-do list.

    1. I think I speak for all of us when I say, cool for cats. Or, perhaps it's just my inner kittens!? ;-)
