Friday, March 14, 2025

I've Been Keeping Busy

I've been pretty active with hobby stuff over the last couple of months, just not keeping up with the blog unfortunately.  All of my computers are having problems posting pics to my blog.  Sometimes the pics just never show up, other times I get error messages, but never any photos.  I have actually written about half a dozen posts, before being stifled by the photo gremlin.

In any event, I've been busy planning, researching, ordering miniatures, and painting. Studio Bergstrom has been supplying me with starships, and the shipyards have turned out dozens of ships for Star Trek/Star Fleet Battles gaming.

My Federation and Klingon fleets both number around 45 ships and a few more arrived a couple days ago.  Plans involve an Axanar-ish campaign built around the Klingon/Four Years War, as well as adapting the Axanar type ships into the SFB universe as earlier ships/classes within those mechanics.

I've also been painting some odds and ends additions for 6mm Barbarossa.  Just things that I've managed to pick up to round out units a little better.  Finally got some Valentines for the Soviets!

Additionally, quite a number of 6mm miniatures for my eventual 1982 NATO-WarPac campaign  had been collecting and setting around, so I started painting a bunch of those to get them down and put away.

Lastly, I started cleaning and basing a platoon of Elhiem 20mm PAVN for Vietnam, which will probably hit the painting table this weekend.

I will continue to try to get photos posted, and when I figure it out, I should have a bunch of posts in short order.

Stay safe out there!

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