Monday, May 15, 2023

A Few Additional Terrain Bits

Over the last week or so, I've been working on a few more cliff sections, needing more pieces that permit movement up or down the cliffs.  Additionally, I added some more small rock formations and boulders.  Here are a few pics:

This is all of the pieces after glueing up and shaping the foam.

The same bits after adding paint and flock, the shading got
 really washed out under my fluorescent lights.

The shorter 3" tall cliffs with a 28mm Hasslefree fig.

The 6" cliffs with an older 28mm-ish GW fig (I think) for 

Another angle of the 6" cliffs with the Hasslefree fig 
from above.

Hoping to get a game on the table next weekend, will see if life cooperates.  

That's all I've got for now, be careful out there.