Sunday, February 12, 2023

More Progress on 15mm African Buildings

This last week has yielded decent progress on my new 15mm African buldings for my imagi-nation campaign.  I've gotten all of the basic paint on the buldings, and got the two ruined building more or less finished with the exception of a little flock.  

The roofs are in progress with the basic structure roughed out for about half of the buildings.  They will be skinned with textured sheet simulating various types of metal roofing and then painted.  

Here are a few pics of the progress:

I should be able to wrap these up by Saturday and with any luck, get a game on the table Sunday.


  1. I'm always impressed by your model making. Clean, precise, and the end results look fabulous. Love them.

  2. Great looking progress. They look excellent, can't wait to see them in action.

  3. Many thanks for the comments. Work continues to progress, roof structure is done, just have the skin with the textured sheet and paint.
