Monday, August 28, 2023

Catching Up on Painting

I've really slacked in the painting department over the last few months, while continueing to pick up miniatures, mostly 6mm for Barbarossa, a few for France 1940, and a few odds and ends for the Cold War.

The other day, I realized that I've accumulated four boxes of unopened packs of vehicles and buildings, and  decided that it was time to clear the shelf a little.  So the production line is open.  I'm just going to grind through these, basic, mostly monotone with a little dust, mostly with an eye on starting Barbarossa by the end of September.

                    A large number of minaitures and awaiting transfer to the painting table.

And with some additional miniatures on the paint table.

I got at least some paint on 166 models yesterday, so making progress.  Hoping to have these done by the weekend.  And, trying to finish up an after action report on the World War III game that I played last week.