Sunday, July 16, 2023

Finally Completed My Terrain Work

After almost three weeks, I've completed the re-flocking of all of my "green terrain' 1' square foam tiles, an utterly unrewarding project from the motivational side of things.  The process would have moved along a bit faster if weather hadn't kept the humidity up through much of that time, severely slowing the drying process.

Anyway, here's a pic of the the tiles stacked by type on the table:

I happily discovered that I had previously done many of the 2'x2' tiles when I was making the West German terrain,  and do have a small number of 1'x2' and 2'x2' tiles to do yet, but will do them over a weekend, when the weather is more agreeable, rather than rather than kill another couple of eeks watching glue dry right now.

Now to get World War III back on the table top.


  1. Well they look good. At least there will be there when you need them.

    1. Thanks. Yes, come this fall when I need them, I'm sure I will feel much happier about them being done.

  2. Strewth! That's a literal shedload of terrain. Top effort!
