Friday, June 30, 2023

Revisiting My Hobby Plan for Future Gaming (The 10-Plan)

Back in September of last year, I presented a plan to narrow my hobby focus a little, to ten of the thirty-some periods and settings in which I do or would like to game.  The process of executing that plan started on November 4th, and since then, I've done a fairly good job of staying on target.

Over the eight months that have elapsed since the acting on the plan, I have worked in some capacity on eight of the periods, and only blatantly strayed one time.  Additionally, as I recently posted, I've done some research on some Star trek gaming, outside of my original plan, but given that I don't really have any research to do otherwise, the time invested would have simply been down time, so I really don't feel too guilty about that.

Here's where I stand on the "10-Plan"

1/3788 Star Trek/Star Fleet Battles -  The only planned actively has been to acquire three USS Reliant models, which will be used as SFB New Light Cruisers for the Federation.  I've also done a little research regarding miniatures to fill in gaps for the Klingon and Romulan fleets.  I expected to pick up work on this late in the year, so progress is about as expected.

6mm 1950s Cold War - I've completed painting railroad tracks, a bunch of buildings, and a mix of vehicles as needed.  A few aircraft are awaiting decals and will then be complete.  I've also done design or early stages of construction for a few terrain bits still needed.  This project is as close to "done" as anything I've ever worked on and is about where I expected.

6mm WWII East Front Barbarossa - I've acquired all of the miniatures that I need, painted almost all of them, and completed all of the campaign set-up and paper work required to start the campaign.  I need to finish up refreshing a bunch of terrain (in proccess), make some additional buildings, and paint some more aircraft.  This is almost ready to go, and is well ahead of schedule (I don't say that very often).

15mm WWII East Front Barbarossa - I've purchased some of the tanks/vehicles and aircraft, and am in the middle of refreshing some terrain for this. I still need to add more vehicles, paint everything, add some new terrain tiles, and come up with some buildings.  All of the campaign research and paperwork is done.   Progress is probably a little ahead of schedule right now.

15mm France.  I've done some work setting up a "bathtub" campaign, but still need to add some terrain and miniatures. I'mi ahead of plan on campaign set-up and probably a little behind on the miniatures side.  All things considered, I've made about the amount of progress that I should have, by this point.  Note that the progress on my Barbarossa campaign has changed the priority on this a little, as I now plan to start Barbarossa before France 1940.

15mm Cold War 1950s - I've added some vehicles and finished the British infantry.  A couple of planes are awaiting decals.  I have a BTR50 master almost done, and will need to cast up some of those. One thing that I overlooked previously, was the need for buildings, and I've done some research and design work for those, I also will need a make a few city terrain tiles, and cut some blank tiles last week, so this is well on its way.  Given the oversite regarding buildings, this is about where I'd expect.

15mm 1970s Cold War - Other than making a few simple fighting positions, I've done nothing on this, and to be honest, I'm feeling very little mojo for it for much of the year thus far.  I am clearly behind on this project.  I am considering trading the period out for 15mm imagi-Africa, since I have an ongoing campaign there, and now realize that I really need more buildings for it.

15mm Soviet-Afghan War -  I have done research and design work for walls, ruins, gardens, wells, and more buildings, and have a couple more Soviet aircraft models ready to build.  I just finish cutting the foam stock that I will use to build most of this stuff, and as I expected this to be a late year project, am actually ahead of where I expected to be it.

20mm Vietnam - I've completed some work on aircraft, got a new platoon of PAVN infantry to paint, and done more research on building and bunkers.  I still need to decide on a setting for a mini- campaign.  Overall, I am about where I expected to be on this period.

28mm Post Apocalypse - I've made some additional terrain and played a few games recently.  I've got several buildings and new terrain pieces designed, awaiting construction, and have another building complex started.  I'm a little behind on the construction side for post apoc, but have made a conscious choice to hold off on new construction temporarily, as I want to play some games, and post apoc construction is likely to tie up my big table to two months or more.  So I am happy with where this is currently at.

Outside of the "10 Plan" I completed some imagi-Africa campaign buildings to facilitate playing the next battle in the campaign, and in the downtime imposed by the wait for a tool delivery, I've completed a bunch of research for two possible expansion to my Star Fleet Battles gaming.  Not too great a deviation from the plan overall.

My "10 Plan" status after eight months:

        On target: 7 periods

Ahead of plan: 2 periods

           Behind:  1 period

Overall, I'm fairly happy with how this has worked out.  By year's end, I look to complete two periods, and maybe a third.  If I do the trade out of 15mm 1970s Cold War for 15mm 1980s African imagi-nations, it is possible that I could have four "new projects" on the list next year.

1 comment:

  1. Well done on having a plan and congrats on sticking to it.

    I've struggled to finish one thing recently but that's done now and it gets played tomorrow. After that back to other things.
