
Sunday, January 7, 2024

6mm Russian Buildings for Barbarossa

Though I have a fair number of Russian buildings, I really need more city and industrial buildings.  I'll take a look at my German and French buildings and see if I can't hijack a few for service in Russia, but think I'm just going to break down and scratch build and cast a few to give a little more variety.

Thse are some of my most recent additions.  The first group are the city/industrial type buildings from Levin Miniatures and are quite nice:

The next group are smaller houses also from Levin:

These look a lot darker in the photos than they are in person.   I guess one of these days, I should actually set up lighting for taking photos.


  1. Ooh, I like those, especially the factories. Levin make some really nice stuff, although I only have their various bridges.
