
Tuesday, January 2, 2024

15mm Air Support for Cold War British 1958

Here are a couple of aircraft for my 1958 Cold War British forces in 15mm.  The first is a Hawker Hunter from QRF, a model I picked up from a hobby shop during a trip to Tennessee many years ago.

Second is a De Haviland Venom diecast, originally in Italian markings that I repainted.  Both models were finished with decals from

I should probably do a couple of Soviet jets now that I'm thinking about it.


  1. Both lovely models and aircraft (my Dad's airbase operated Hunters and Javelins when he was in the RAF). I must admit to be being a bit puzzled why you are doing the same 1950s stuff in 6mm and 15mm at the same time though? I have periods in multiple scales,, but I did those sequentially.

    1. For WWII and Cold War era games, I enjoy both larger battles that focus on a lot of vehicle units in 6mm, where my infantry are represented by multiple infantry figures on a single base, representing sections, fire teams, or crews. I also enjoy smaller battles, usually with more of an infantry focus, where infantry figures are individually mounted. The smaller scale permits larger games , while the larger scale allows more detailing, and a more detailed table and gaming experience. So I do both scales, and use which ever scale best fits the size of the battle.

  2. Now those are splendid...can't beat the Hunter for ground attack work. I think I have the Revell 1/144th kit somewhere for my 15mm post colonial project. I really should crack on with it this year. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Thanks. I originally expected to use this in my imagi-Africa games, but ended up having need for it in World War III instead.
