
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

6mm Soviet Aircraft are Ready

Over the last week, I finished painting 24 Soviet fighters and interceptors.  I added in 2x IL 28 (which were already painted), and began applying the decals, but found that most on each decal sheet were actually too large for my aircraft, so will probably order new decals from Flight Deck Decals, as soon as my Covid-19 spending freeze comes to an end.

The models are mounted on brass wire for use with my current aircraft stands from my home-brew dogfight rules, which I plan to use with Missile Threat rules in the near term.  I may eventually switch to less invasive stands, but for now these will work and are actually tall enough that they eliminate the need to an altitude die in Missile Threat.

Here are a few pics:

A Ros & Heroics Su-9 on one of my flight stands.  This is one
 of the rougher models that I purchased, but I still love it.

H&R Yak-38 (blue) and a Scotia Grendel Il-28

H&R Mig-23 (yellow camo) and Scotia Su-15

And the rest of the lot, including Mig 15, 17, 19, and 21, Su-25, 7, & 9.

During this past week, I have also done some painting on my US, French and German aircraft, and hope to have some of those finished by next weekend.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. Your 1/600 scale models have been a tremendous inspiration to me, a still look so much better than my 6mm efforts.

  2. Stands that look good and aren't fiddly are definitely the trick for plane gaming. I've struggled a bit myself. I just had a read up on the Il-28, never heard of's fun learning new things!

    1. Yes, I'm still searching for the perfect aircraft stand. Mine are about as ugly as they get.

      One of the cool things about gaming blogs is the huge range of new things that you encounter, presented in a hobby context. I'm always finding things and thinking, "how have I never heard of that?"
