
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

1950s 6mm Cold War (Air) Progress

I'm moving along on my 6mm aircraft for a 1950s Cold War conflict, having cleaned, assembled, pinned, and primed 42 models for the project (plus 4x Mig23s, and 2x Yak 38s for my African imagi-nation campaign).

I decided to work on fixed-wing aircraft for now, then go back to the rotary-wing stuff a little later.  For the most part, I've got pairs of the following:

US:  F-100, F86E, F84E

France: Mystere, Mystere  IV, Vautour

West Germany: F104

UK: Meteor, Vampire, Venom, Hunter, Javelin

Soviet: Yak 25, Mig 15, Mig 17, Mig 19, Mig 21, Su7, Su 9


I'll need to add a little more depth for some types, maybe up to 6-8 of primary interceptors and fighters, and fill in some of the missing types.  I'm targeting 1958 for the focus of my battles, and am pushing a few early models for service that late, as well as maybe speeding the timeline up for entry of a few others a little early (it is a fictional WWIII, so I will have an alt-historical timeline anyway).

I still intend to pick up some F101s, F105s, and hopefully find a source for some combination of F89, F94, and/or F84F models.  I need to look into observation types, and probably the A26 as well.

I plan to order an AN 2 and wish I could find a SU11, and a Mi4 along with several other late 1950s and early 1960s helicopters (I plan to follow up my 1958 WWIII with a 1968 version  a little further down the road.

The French will get some Super Mysteres and Magisters, and the Germans will add some F84 and F86 as soon as we get past the current virus situation, and some money is available to fun stuff again.

I probably will have to consider the US, French, and Royal Navy possibilities before I'm done, but I've got plenty to paint before that.  I do have a smattering of US Navy types on hand, just haven't worked on them yet.

Anyway, not a lot to show yet, but the interesting part will hopefully start tomorrow night, when I get the paint out.

I plan to try out "Missile Threat" rules with couple of my Africa games, and assuming those go well, will use them for my WWIII games as well.

Until next time, take care of yourselves and stay healthy out there!

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