
Sunday, January 14, 2024

June 22, 1941 Operation Barbarossa Begins: Initial Set-up

After much interruption and chaos in the final months of 2023 and particularly during this last couple of weeks, Operation Barbarossa is finally underway.  I've got the Fire In The East Maps on the table, my homemade unit counters deployed, and am working out the initial air attacks.  

I don't have a 6mm airbase, nor enough miniature planes to fill one, so the airbase attacks will be resolved using the system presented in Barbarossa 25, while the intercepts will depend on the number of aircraft involved, should they happen.  Once the air combat is done, I'll move on to the ground battles.

Here is a pic of the map at some point during setup:

I think all of the counters are on the map here, 
though final adjustments hadn't been made when 
this pic was taken.

The Germans were deployed with Army groups Center and South more heavily weighted than in the actual attack, while on the Soviet side, the deployment is probably a more balanced.

I'm ignoring the very northernmost portion of the map, north of Lenningrad, as my map table is only seven feet long, and can't accommodate the upper half of the northernmost map, and i'm not including the Finnish forces (as I don't have the miniatures).

I expect to get through the turn 1 air combat during evenings this week, and hope to get the first land battles on the table next weekend.  Also, I can already see that I have some adtional bits to make. 

I'll start posting AARs as soon as possible.


  1. Ah, a set of maps that are very familiar to me.

    1. I suspect that they will soon be very familiar to me too!

  2. This should be fascinating. Looking forward to the campaign.
