
Saturday, December 23, 2023

6mm Soviet Aircrft Finally Done

I finally got my 6mm Soviet aircraft for Babrbarossa done, well sort of.  I ended up having decals for about two thirds of them, so an order to Flight Deck Decals will be happening soon.  In any event, here are a few pics:

Pe-2, Su-2, and Il-2

Yak-1 and LaGG-3

Mig-3 and I-16 

I-153, I-15, and LaGG-1

I also had a bunch of aircraft for other periods and scales that I was pooling together to complete the decal process all at once, and will be posting pics of some of the them in the coming days.


  1. Those are very nice indeed. That is quite a collection and I admire your patience applying those tiny decals.

  2. Thanks. I'm not sure patience is quite the right word for it. I get a little "twitchy" after awhile.
