
Monday, October 16, 2023

Minor Progress (6mm Barbarossa '41)

The last couple of weeks have seen a little progress on the house, with a couple additional  minor problems cropping up, and surprisingly, a little progress on the hobby front as well.

The Romanian infantry and cavalry are now painted and awaiting flock.  I didn't bother taking pics as the painting is pretty basic and on 6mm figs, so nothing to get too excited about. Still, progress is progress, and Barbarossa is a little closer to the tabletop. 

With any luck, I'll get the figs flocked over a couple of week nights, and then move back to working on the buildings next weekend.



  1. Keep plugging away, you will get there in the end! I am rather fond of my Rumanian cavalry, although I think have only ever taken part in one game.

    1. Thanks, I just need to keep that in mind while things are slow going.
