Saturday, June 25, 2022

Comments and Time

First, I found out yesterday that my e-mail filter is blocking some comments to my posts.  No pattern to it that I can find, other than it has only blocked legitimate replies from readers, and has yet to block a spammer.  Thanks for your comments, and sorry that they haven't been getting posted or responded to.

And second, after completing a two month long project that was severly limiting my hobby time, and getting a weekend free to be creative, I was hit by another, even more oppressive thing to deal with, so I won't be posting (or playing, building, etc), for the next few weeks.

Next time around, I'm going to have to rethink how to do this whole "life" thing.


  1. Only SPAMMERS getting through is a sorry state.

  2. Hope it all gets sorted out sooner rather than later. What a pain!

  3. Hope the 'oppressive thing' gets sorted out in a timely manner for you.

    Looking forward to seeing your updates when you're back.

    Best wishes.

  4. I hope life thing works out, remember your hobby helps to define who you are. I always enjoy a visit to your blog.


  5. Thank guys! Moving forward, taking one day at a time.

  6. Good luck! I have also wished for a redo button once in awhile. 😁
