
Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Vietnam Reading: "The Greatest Beer Run Ever"

 As part of my recent immersion into Vietnam, I've Gone into a reading frenzy, and read several books about Vietnam over the last couple of weeks, including:

The Greatest Beer Run Ever by John "Chick"  Donohue and J.T. Molloy

This was recently recommended on the Fields of Fire Vietnam Gaming forum, and I'm glad that it was, as it is the most enjoyable thing that I've read lately.

It's about a civilian, a veteran Marine of the early 1960s, who after a meet with his buds at the local watering hole, takes on the challenge of chasing down the group's friends serving in Vietnam, taking them some choice beer, and letting them know that the people from the old neighborhood haven't forgotten them, and support them doing their duty.

The author shares his adventure,  a most ill-concieved beautiful thing,  as if he's sitting on the stool next to you telling his story.  He also shares his perspective from then and now, and maybe sums up the conflicted thoughts probably as well as anyone who's ever tried.

Whether you arrived here on purpose or just happened by, I'd definitely recommend you give this book a look.


  1. “If I Die in a Combat Zone” is also a great Vietnam read! So is Chickenhawk.

  2. Seems like a million years ago that I read Chickenhawk. Haven read "If I die in a Combat Zone" yet".
