
Friday, July 23, 2021

Bull Rushed by the Red Hoard

A couple of weekends back, I got to see an old friend for the first time in about 18 months and we played a game.  Just a one-off meeting engagement in Cold War West Germany, late 1970s.  We just threw some stuff on the table and went at it. 

As the Americans, I had a platoon of M60A2s, and a mech. infantry company.  The Soviets had a company each of T64s, infantry in BMP1s, a platoon of recce BRDMs, and another platoon of BRDMs carrying AT-3 missiles.

Towards my end of the table, there was a rise, and I intended to get my infantry deployed, supported by the M60A2s, figuring that I could deploy my Dragon ATGMs, and hope for the best.

A view from the NATO end of the table

That didn't quite work out.  The Soviets almost made it across the table, before I could get the infantry deployed, and despite getting the first couple of kills, I simply got run over.  Trees blocked almost any chance of long shots, so the M60s never got to fire a missile, and the Dragons were horrible as they were firing at close range, and never even cracked a 50 percent chance of hit.

After my first couple of kills, my few hits mostly resulted in bounces, tracks, or dirt as I couldn't score the turret of hull down BMPs.  Meanwhile I lost three of the M60A2s, with number four tracked, a few M113s, plus had infantry casualties due to high explosive.  Not surprisingly, my morale didn't hold up.

A few turns later.

A better view of the Soviets on their way to Paris

I was running away as we came to a close.  Likely that almost all of the survivors would have been POWs. Only maybe three of the M113s might have gotten away with their occupants.

I didn't take many pics, as there wasn't much to take pics of.  Craig does have an amazing table that measures something like 6.5 feet by 14 feet.  Ugly as the battle was, I had a blast getting blasted to bits.


  1. To express gratitude to comrade captain!))))
    As always - the table and miniatures are top class!

  2. A terrific looking game, what a table!.
