
Tuesday, June 22, 2021

More Painting Done

I've had a nice relaxed couple of weekends of painting, finishing some things that have been hanging around my painting table for weeks to years. 

For the 6mm Cold War, I finished a battalion of 6mm CinC T54s, and 10x Centurion IIIs, For 15mm WWII, I finally painted 4x 15mm Sdkfz 250 that I've had since the early 1990s, plus repaired a couple of old (Quality Castings) 15mm cannons.  I even made a little headway on some infantry status markers for my 20mm Vietnam gaming.  Just a hodge-podge of undirected progress. (Sorry no pics of these, I put them away without taking pics, and they just have basic paint and mud/dust).

I've been struggling with painting larger figs (28mm) for some reason over the last several months, making very little headway with my post-apoc figs.  Along with two factions of PA figs setting on the paint table were ZombieSmith's grey aliens.  I love these little guys, and planned to use them in my near future "Route 66" games, a project that has been almost completely neglected for the last eight years; though, they could show up in my post apocalypse world.  

As I finished up the German half-tracks, and was thinking what next, I heard the little grey voices calling to me, "Paint us, so that we may come in peace".  And so it was, I gently brushed away off the five years of dust that had accumulated since arriving in 2016, and began painting. 

I gave them a slightly green grey skin, and bright green and purple uniforms.  Though they probably won't hit the tabletop for a some time yet, it felt good finally getting paint on the little critters.  I'm now caught between painting some of those post-apoc figs, or making a conveyance for the greys.  

Here are a few pics of the greys:


  1. I quite like the paint scheme of your greys. I wasnt aware that zombie smith had some of these guys, they are fun sculpts.

    1. Thanks daveb. I was trying to go for sort of a cartoonish effect, though in retrospect am wondering if i should have given them a more serious shading treatment.
