
Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Two Months Gone Already

It seems like Christmas was yesterday,and here we are two months gone in 2021. 

I completed more hobby projects in 2020, than any year since I started keeping track (2003 I think).  And, I've equaled that in the first two months of 2021.  A bunch of it was research related, and involved completing rules and/or charts and tables for vehicles and equipment, rather than painting and building, but either way, they are projects now marked off the list.  

My 6mm Cold War Hot game, set in 1958, is ready to go, as soon as I can clear out the space to set up the permanent map board.  A project seemingly as complex as creating the game, and that will result in my having an extra storage room in the basement.  I'm continuing to add a few miniatures and other bits for this, but I'm ready to bask in the atomic glow of WWIII.

Nato strategic map counter sheet for my 1958 version of  WWIII.

I've also started making progress on the hundreds of 15mm WWII tanks and vehicles that I cast up years ago, as Panzer IVs, Jagdpanthers, and Tiger Is are rolling off of the assembly line.   The next batch of 15mm vehicles will likely be a bunch of French stuff for 1940.  It is hard to believe that I made the masters for these in the early 1990s, and it has taken thirty years to get to painting the miniatures.

German armor awaiting more detail and weathering (as soon as supplies arrive).

Another big project that is starting to roll along, is the topographical terrain for the Battle of Stonne. I've got numerous topo maps, and quite a number of other references,  and should be able to produce a really nice table for this.  The foam tiles are cut, filling a few large boxes at the moment, and if all goes well, it may be the first of several 6mm battlefields that I produce.

One of four boxes of EPS foam cut into 1'x1', 1'x2' and 2'x2' tiles, 
awaiting work on the Stonne 1940 battlefield and other projects.

I've also been making progress on a few 28mm post apoc factions and various bits associated with them, and other projects have been moving along, such as hedgerows, fencing, and bushes for various 15mm games.  

In any event, as February 2021 fades into the past, it just occurred to me how fast the time has gone by, and just how much progress I've made on the hobby front this year.


  1. Congrats on your progress, I look forward to seeing the game reports as I've especially enjoyed reading about your Uwanda/Mugabia campaign.

    Best wishes.

  2. Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed the Africa game posts, I'm hoping to get that next battle in this month.

    1. I look forward to reading that.

      Having been inspired by your campaign I'm in the process of setting one up myself but with the aim of generating games playable in 6mm.
