
Monday, March 15, 2021

Contemplating Going Digital with WWIII: 1958

If you are a regular reader here, you probably bumped into my World War III project over the last couple of years.  Currently the campaign is on hold, while I work towards freeing up space in my "book room" to set up the strategic game map and counters, as I am using a version of GDW's The Third World War retooled for 1958.

The plan was to set it up on the table in the room, and cover it with a piece of acrylic sheet to protect it from the three cats, in whose home my wife and I reside.  The hold-up is that the room has become a storage space for much of my daughter's stuff from school, as well as a number of other odds and ends.  And, I haven't been able to make this stash go away, try as I might.

Yesterday, it occurred to me that I've already got the 1958 vintage counter sheets in  digital format, why not just scan in and retool or recreate the other components of the game to meet  my needs for WWIII in 1958.  

I set up something similar to this to help keep track of my fleet units and known enemy units in our Star Fleet Battles camapign (on hold due to Covid), but it is just a map with far fewer counters, not a complete game system.

Today, I intend to go over the rules and see what I might need to do to bring this about.  I also need to look at the limitations of my old copy of Photoshop and see how to set up the map and movement.  Currently, I'm thinking that each nation's forces and unit status would consist of a layer over a background map, but have only spent a few minutes thinking about how to set this up, so not sure.

I also need to square away the system that I plan to use to quantify losses in the boardgame to translate into units of miniatures on the tabletop, which in turn may change how some things are managed in the boardgame side of this.  I suspect that by the time I start playing, there might not be much of GDW's original game left.

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