
Tuesday, March 3, 2020

A Constructive Sunday

So Sunday, I made it down the basement, looked up at the lead mountain,  and realized that I really hadn't worked on anything since January 3rd.  I also realized that over the last couple of years, I had managed to surround my table with unassembled and unpainted 15mm vehicles models.

I started counting and stopped at 42 Cold War, and 95 WWII vehicles, and didn't even get into the additional boxes of cast parts in the next room.  So, I got to work and had a nice time, starting Cold War Soviets, then moving on to a few US trucks, and then some WWII German tanks.

Ready for the painting table are 11 QRF 15mm Soviet vehicles; 2x Zil 151 trucks, 3x BRDM/AT3, 1x SA8, 3x BMP1, and 3x T64.  

...and the rest of the most immediate backlog awaiting either assembly and/or priming...

Sunday was a good day.  Hopefully, I can build some momentum and keep it going.


  1. Quite an impressive and daunting pile of vehicles. Good luck in working through these!

  2. I know the feeling. My pile never seems to go down. Keep the faith!

  3. I see so much of my lead pile in yours, lol. Good luck with your progress.

  4. Thanks for the encouragement, I know I'll need it!
