
Sunday, January 20, 2019

Odds and Ends Jan '19

Over the last couple of weeks, I've been slowed first by my recurring hand/tendon thing, and now a back issue, so not a lot going on.  Besides squeezing in a little casting (6mm African buildings and whatnot), the only thing that I've accomplished is repainting the helmets on my 6mm Mugabian infantry the correct color of green (I had grabbed the wrong bottle, when finishing them the first time).

I received a selection of French helicopters from H&R a few days back, Super Frelons, Pumas, and Alouettes.  All very nicely detailed and cleanly cast.

Otherwise, the storm of the century only dropped 4 inches of the white stuff and a lot of rain on us, but the wind and drifting snow will keep me from picking up supplies today.  So I'm going to watch football for a change, instead of going down the basement.  Go Rams!  Yes, I am Ohio's only remaining Ram's fan (They moved from Cleveland to Los Angeles in 1946).

As soon as I can, I will finish painting and casting the African buildings, get the castings on my seller site, and in the mean time work ahead on some back story and scenarios for the post-apocalypse.

Stay warm out there.