
Sunday, January 6, 2019

Charlies Journal - Long Range Recon Day 4

Day 4

Countryside started gettin' bumpy.  Hilly, rocky areas, and cliffs and whatnot.  We found an old road, and stuck more or less to that for most of the day.  We had to clear some rocks and a road block out of the way at one point.  Looked like someone was tryin' to block the way pretty serious at one point, but we never found no people.

Even with the road, it was slow goin' with all of the rocks and cliffs and stuff.  Panky used the drone to scout ahead for us.  She was worried about an ambush; so was me and Sam.  Nothin' happened though, other than draining down the batteries.

Charlie and Sam checking the batteries on the goat.

Some hungry pups see a free lunch.

We didn't make so much headway as on the the days before, and had to stop to recharge.  During the evening, while makin' some chow, a pack of dogs attacked us.  They came in on us pretty quick, and even though Panky, who was on watch, saw them, she got off a bad shot and missed.

Panky out of position to see the dogs until too late.

The dogs charge Charlie and Sam.

The first dog came runnin' in at me and jumped and got ahold of my arm, mostly bit sleeve.  Sam shot the second dog, but Panky couldn't get a shot from where she was at on the rocks. Us and the dogs were too close, all mixed up in the fray.

Panky misses a shot at the last dog.

I got ahold of the first dog's neck and was sort of able to hold it off; while Sam came around with her knife and wounded it, the second dog jumped on me too, bit me on the shoulder, but Sam slashed it and both of them ran off.

Sam shot the second dog, and then stabbed the first one that attacked Charlie.

It all happened real fast, and then it was done. Panky seemed more upset that we got jumped by a pack of dogs, than that I got bit.  It looked a lot worse than it was, but Panky patched me up; said infection was the real danger, wanted to make sure that I was patched up right.  Meanwhile, Sam took the watch.

The two wounded dogs flee, Panky misses another shot.

The dead dog checked out okay, we cleaned it, and settled in for the evening, knowing that we had fresh meat for breakfast.