
Sunday, November 4, 2018

More Progress on Modern 6mm African Buildings

Though slowed somewhat by an ailment and casting vehicles, I have managed some progress on the next batch of 6mm buildings for my modern African imagi-nation project.

The next batch of buildings consists of 4 house "compounds".  Each consists of three or four structures, wall sections, and a gate.  The plan is to cast them each as kits of around 10 pieces, which will then allow for mix and match variations, as well us using some buildings as free-standing structures. 

I still have a little cleaning up and detailing to do, but here are some pics:

Awnings for the buildings set in front of where they will eventually attach.  
Additionally, some wall/gate sections are laying flat.

I added the GHQ Centurion to give a sense of scale.  Each 
compound fits in roughly a two inch square footprint.

The last photo shows the compound in the lower right 
of the third photo with all of the parts separated to 
better show the individual pieces.  This one has four 
buildings, two wall sections, a gate, and two separate awnings.

It will probably be Wednesday or Thursday night, before I get a chance to finish them.  Can't wait to get them done though, so that I can cast and paint up of few of these guys.   


  1. As always - excellent work.
    I look forward to reports from the games.
    Your skills in modeling and scripting create an excellent picture. I am reading your messages about the Uwanda / Mugabia war I see a multiseries film

  2. Those look great...very 'African'. Nice work!

  3. Fantastic! You've managed to make them detailed and characterful, something that is often lost at this scale :)
    I'd gladly grab some of these too!

  4. They look awesome, as Ben said, hope you put these up for sale as well! We're both doing African-esque region gameplay so they'll go swimmingly well!

  5. They look brilliant- can't wait to see them with some paint on them.



  6. Did you ever bring them out the African buildings

    1. Yes. They were available for awhile, but I've have stopped casting since Covid, and have passed them on to another company, who has not re-released them yet.
