
Sunday, November 27, 2022

A Few Odds and Ends for 6mm WWIII, 1958

Back in February, while setting up for my first battles of WWIII, I discovered that I was short a few items, so ordered a few models from H&R and Scotia to fill in the gaps in my Soviet and British forces. 

Over the holiday weekend I managed to paint nearly 50 assorted 6mm miniatures, including some recce, softskins, engineering and bridgng vehicles, and some 122mm guns.  Here are a few pics:

Gap fillers for World War III Soviets and British.

A couple of H&R Centaur Dozers.

An H&R Churchill ARK (top), and a Churchill AEV with girder bridge.  

H&R Soviet GSP Ferry.

It has been a productive weekend and with any luck, I'll have some more stuff to share by mid-week.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Some 15mm Progress for 1958 World WW III

Over the last few days, I've gotten back into the swing of things, completing some of the QRF 15mm Cold War vehicles that I received a few weeks back.  Paint jobs are basic solid green, grey tracks and some dirt and dust, but they are table ready.

The models are cleanly cast, and fit together nicely.  They have a rather clean look, but at the same time are nicely detailed.  Here are a few pics:

British Conqueror heavy tanks

Soviet T-10 heavy tanks.

Soviet BRDM-1 recce cars.

The BRDM1s, are cleanly cast and easy to assemble with nice detailing, though I am a little suspect at the proportions.   I haven't checked the dimensions, but they look a little stretched in length to me.  One of the machineguns was damaged during shipping and was unusable, another has vanished somewhere on my basement floor, so only the platoon leader has the external machinegun mounted.  

I also painted a single Bedford RL truck.  The cab took a little extra clean-up, but is not bad by any means, the window pillars just need to be positioned just right, and mine were bent a little from transit.   Again, I think it makes for a rather nice model. Unfortunately, the individual pic was blurry, so here it is in a group shot with all of the models from this batch.

I probably can use Bedford trucks more than heavy tanks, but I just couldn't resist the lure of the heavies.   

After nearly five months , I can finally check something off the to-do list.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

With the Change of Seasons...

 ... my four month long, 400 hour house painting expedition is done, at least for this year.  I now find myself  struggling to get back into the swing of the hobby.  Time is still short with the holidays in close pursuit and a seemingy endless list of long neglected tasks at hand (put off by the painting expedition), but there are windows of opportunity.

Over the last couple of weeks, I've managed to put a little paint on a number of 15mm Cold War vehicles, and while the paint is flowing, the process is not.  I just can't seem to get into a rhythm.  Applying a single color sceme with a little dust has been more like giving one's self a root canal.

It's strange in that I have a ton of enthusiam and am bursting with ideas for things to build, figures to paint, and games to play, but have exhibitied the attention span of a two year old thus far.  I'm hoping that the upcoming holiday weekend will help settle me down, allow me to take a tick mark off of my to-do list, and with any luck, play my first game since February.

Stay well out there.