
Saturday, May 1, 2021

Just Checking In

I haven't accomplished much on the gaming front lately, as April is a time when a bunch of "real life" stuff takes up much of my time, this year a little more than usual. 

new arrivals are some 15mm QRF Soviet infanty and paras from Scalecreep miniatures, who's service was absolutely outstanding.  With these, I think I can round out a second company each of Motor Rifle troops and paras

I also ordered five books from Amazon, probably the last that I will order from that source.  One a sci-fi novel, and four books about Vietnam, as I plan on building some field fortifications and whatnot.  Sad to see that three of them were shipped in bubble mailers, with no other protection, thus arriving with well rounded corners.  

Otherwise, and the only significant accomplishment was to re-purposing a room in the basement with about 77 square feet of shelving to store large terrain pieces, mostly 2'x2' foam panels. I'm not done yet, as I will be adding more shelving, but my game area is a bit less clogged as a result.

Painting progress stopped as I have a bunch of half finished 15mm vehicles on the bench, and have run out of several shades of paint.  My local shops have been having trouble restocking Vallejo and Modelmaster (which is now basically defunct) since a year or more before Covid.  Additionally, the internet, in association with Covid, has left many of the online sources that I've tried, short on stock, and I can't get myself to order 12 bottles of paint from 9 different sources, while having to pay $77 in shipping for them.

In the near term, I'll probably switch gears to terrain making for a bit, as I have a good stock of associated supplies for the terrain.  

In any event, that is the last six weeks of hobbying for me.  Hoping to get some free time this weekend, and maybe start some of the terrain work, that I've been considering.

Hope everyone is doing well out there!