
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hand on the Mend

When the tendons in my right hand inflated to twice their normal volume  (or more) a few weeks back, I had no idea that I would be sidelined for this long.  Beyond the pain from the injury, the allergic reaction to medication, and the horror that is daytime TV,  I have discovered that not being able to work on my hobby is probably the worst part of all (though trying to tie a shoe lace with one hand is a close second).

Clearly, my miniatures hobby keeps me sane.  Unfortunately, shooting at Nancy Grace on my TV with a battery powered Nerf gun has not (though I have become a decent left handed shot). 

Over the last week, my hand has started to get better.  I'm not sure how long it will take to get back to 100 percent, but I am starting to get some things done.   I've done a touch of casting, and have started shipping orders to those who have been waiting so patiently for their 15mm vehicles.  I've also used some of the time to get a lot a research done for games and 15mm vehicles.

For those who are still waiting for vehicles, they will start arriving shortly, then hopefully we will see some progress on some hobby projects, and maybe even a worthwhile post. 

Thank you to those who have been so kind and so patient over this past month.