
Saturday, July 30, 2011

AAR5: Under Estimating the Enemy

After a couple weeks of failed diplomacy, Uwanda broke off talks regarding the captured territory. Meanwhile, Mugabia had mobilized proper troops and deployed them to the villages and towns in the newly acquired territory.

Uwandan Overflights collected intelligence without much interference from Mugabia, and a non-negotiated ceasefire ruled the day. Mugabia hesitated, not knowing how far they could push the conflict, and Uwanda made its move.

Above - View of the village at objective A59 from the west.

Mugabian forces consisted of mostly infantry with little heavy equipment.   They were (and are) also not particularly well trained or lead.  So it was believed that a relatively small Uwandan  force with some heavy armor could push the lightly armed infantry out.  Once the Mugabian infantry broke, the Uwandan  armored force could sweep the villages and push Mugabian troops out completely.

Above -  Mugabian infantry deployed around the perimeter of the village.

On the chosen day, Uwandan recce forces advanced and  got into position to scout the perimeter of the Mugabian troops defending A59. Firefly tanks were brought up through the wooded area southwest of the town, and succeeded in surprising the Mugabian infantry, which suffered heavy casualties very quickly. Despite the casualties and much to their own surprise, Mugabian officers managed to maintain control of the situation, quickly employing their reserve, and counter attacking the armor. 

Above - The Mugabian reserve moves out.

Besieged by RPG7s and a previously captured  Saladin armored car, two of the Fireflies were silenced. Uwandan infantry, coming in via the west road, were forced to deploy and quickly got bogged down in a largely ineffective infantry battle.

Above - Uwandan armor having a rough time.

Remaining Uwandan armor continued to pound on Mugabian infantry, while being annoyed with constant (but ineffective) mortar fire. The mortar fire was switched to the Uwandan infantry to break the stalemate there, which it quickly did, while another wave the RPG fire brought an abrupt end to the Uwandan armor.

Mugabian forces withdrew to tighten up their lines, but never broke despite heavy casualties. Uwandan forces with most of their vehicles destroyed or crippled finally accepted defeat and made a hasty withdraw.

Above - Mugabian infantry holding the line.

The cost was high for both sides, in men for Mugabia, and equipment for Uwanda. Mugabian forces lost 41 troops killed or wounded, while Uwanda lost 14 KIA/MIA and 3 WIA and their entire armor force.

Both armies paused as the the growing conflict gained some international attention. Both nations appealed to the new audience for validation and support. Uwanda appealed for international intervention to restore the border, but help was slow and came in the fashion of official protests and discussion of sanctions. 

Unrest grew, and faith in President Ajizi of Uwanda fell.  There simply was not time or resources for his administration to do anything further before the elections.  The government of Uwanda would change, and Mugabia and the ULF simply waited to see the new face of Uwanda.

Pimp My Ride: A Special T34/85 For the Mugabian Army

The first couple T34/85 castings that I made for my Mugabian army forces (a fictional African nation) were bad castings having one or more flaws.  While fixing them, I decided to make a special T34/85 as the company commander's vehicle. 

Remembering a number of field modified T34s from a book that I had been leafing through recently, I upgraded the armor over the frontal arc, opened the commander's hatch, added a TC, and replaced an external fuel tank (that had a big air bubble in it) with a stowage box.

Here are a couple comparison shots of the modified T34/85 (left) next to a stock model (right):

The upper hull front and upper hull sides got applique plates added, as did the turret front sides and either side of the mantlet.  New headlights were located either side of the drivers hatch, and the large stowage box replaces the single  external fuel tank.

All of the added armor plate was made from .03" thick styrene sheet and tube.  The resin commanders hatch was cut off, an opening drilled into the cupola, and an opened hatch was made from styrene sheet.  The TC figure is from Old Glory's T-55 pack.

Here are a few more shots:

The work was pretty straight forward, and only took about 20 minutes.  I should have taken a photo before painting as the added parts would be more obvious, but I was in too much a hurry. 

I guess it won't matter much if confronted by any modern tanks, but might help out against Uwandan Fireflies.  If nothing else, it should make the company commander feel good about his ride.

Next, I think I'll try doing a couple of modified T34 chassis with S-60 57mm AA guns, based on photos of Cuban conversions that I saw recently.

Monday, July 25, 2011

AAR4 - Mugabia Enters the Fight

Though the ULF leadership didn't see it, the ULF had always been a weapon of the Mugabian government to use against Uwanda. After the failures at Objective A59, the recent ULF victory had come as a welcomed surprise. This in turn had spawned a rising protest in the Pettu villages along the southern border with Uwanda, another welcomed surprise, and an opportunity that Mugabian President Upepomfuko could not pass up.

The Uwandan leadership simply did not understand the situation, insisting that the troops on the ground had enough resources to squash the ULF, and did not consider the local ULF support and unrest as serious. The ground commander at A56 appealed to his superior for more forces, was denied, and conceded the village to the ULF, ending his short career as a Uwandan officer.

Above - The solid black line is the border with Mugabia to the east,
and Uwanda tot he west.  The red are roads, the blue is the  Ukingo River.

The Pettu villages in Uwanda, east of the Ukingo River are isolated by the river, with the only access to the rest of Uwanda being across the road leading from the village at A58 to the village at A59, where the first two ULF attacks failed. Mugabian leadership decided that it would assist the ULF in securing A59, and help rescue the Pettu people oppressed by the Uwandan government. In doing so, Mugabia would gain a secure foothold in Uwandan territory. The ULF was quite happy to receive the aid that would no doubt lead to a self governed Pettu nation.

Above - A view looking west from the border with Mugabia.

ULF forces, about 60 strong, would attack the village from the south. Initially forces would go in on foot, and once Uwandan troops were committed to the fight, the second force of ULF troops would attack up the south road into town advancing with the captured M3 halftrack (from A56) and in trucks. They would be supported by Mugabian army mortar teams, and finally in an attack by Mugabian armored infantry from the east.

Above - A view of the border post, a ferret armored car sets along the road,
and a couple of old Bren carriers are parked behind the main building.  
A handful of these carriers still serve the police, mostly as cargo carriers
and sometimes in SAR operations in the field.

After the chaos at A56, The Uwandan leadership decided to commit more forces to secure the area, using A59 as a base of operations. The border post was strengthened and even given light armor, just in case any more ULF craziness manifested. A heavy recce detachment consisting of Saladin armored cars was based at the village along with the infantry company already committed to protecting the village.

Above -  ULF fighters engaging Uwanda Troops in the distance.

The initial attacking ULF force was sighted at significant distance by observant Uwandan troops at the east roadblock, resulting in early casualties to the attackers. This sighting provided much time for Uwandan army forces being drawn off of the strong southern roadblock to help break the attack to the east. Saladins caused significant ULF casualties until getting caught in a crossfire of RPGs. Mugabian mortars continuously pounded various targets and gnawed away at the defenders. By the time the second ULF force advance up the road from the south, Uwandan forces had taken notable casualties and were struggling to understand the situation.

Above -  Saladin armored cars hunting ULF fighters in the brush.

With Uwandan forces mostly destroyed to the east, and crumbling to the south, the main Mugabian attack began, quickly over-running the border post and border police defending the station. The border police sent a small force of infantry supported by Ferret armored cars to search out the mortars that continuously pounded Uwandan forces. They never found the mortar position, and found themselves hopelessly out of the fight, when the Mugabian personel carriers advanced.

Above - Uwandan troops prepare to fall back into the village.

As Mugabian forces advance toward the town they were surprised by the persistence of Uwandan resistance and the effect of Uwandan LAW rockets. Their nose bloodied with burning BTR60s, the Mugabian infantry halted their advance, while ULF fighters continued to close from the south. Though they fought hard, and held against over whelming numbers, the Uwandan Captain finally ordered remaining forces to withdraw. The village at A59 was finally in the hands of the ULF, and shortly would be claimed by Mugabia.

Above - Mugabian BTR60s burn as their advance stalls.

The implications of Mugabian involvement were yet to be understood, but it was obvious to those caught in the battle, that this was more than tribal unrest.

The Uwandan army lost much of their force, 2 Saracens, 2 Saladins and 22 men missing or KIA, additionally 3 WIA were among the 11 men returning. The border police returned with 5 of their original 12 men. The cost of ULF victory was high, lost were 1 M3 halftrack, 23 KIA, 9 WIA. Mugabian forces fared the worst relative to the scope of their fighting and successes, losing 2 BTR60 and 14 troops while being stopped in their tracks (or wheels) by less than a squad of Uwandan regulars.

The inability of the Uwandan president Ajizi to fend off the ULF and settle the unrest began to domino.  The unrest grew in the east, civilians of other than Pettu affiliation began leaving the region in question, outbreaks of violence began between different tribal groups in the east, and there was a general failing of confidence in the Uwandan government.  With the upcoming fall elections less then two months away, the burden of the ULF threatened to be the president's undoing.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

AAR3: The ULF in Uwanda - A Voice is Heard

A Uwandan soldier was speaking to a UBN reporter just as shooting broke out at the town known as objective A56:

"The people here are from the Pettu tribe, and they do not like us being here, nor do they like the central government. We are here to protect them from attack, but they call us names; the children throw garbage and rocks at us. The Ogsi people do not behave this way, why must the Pettu act like this? "

"You see down the road, that man speaking to the people, he is the town elder.   An angry man it would seem, he wants the Pettu people to be in charge.   He is telling them that we are here to take their land from them. The people were singing, but are now chanting.  Is that shooting?  Someone is shooting!  I think they are coming this way... move...move..."

Battle number 3 takes place at town A56 a little south of where the previous fighting took place, and in the heart of the Pettu tribal territory.  The town leader and many of the citizens are members of this tribal group that is mostly located in Mugabia.  The area has had problems over the years due to the tribal affiliations, and is the basis for ULF resistance.  

Above - A view of A56 looking to the southeast. 
The battle is in progress in this view.

After the attacks at A59, Uwandan army troops were deployed to the border villages.  Most, though not all of the towns and villages offered a warm welcome to the troops.  During a speech to the local population by their civilian leader, fighting broke out between the army troops and local ULF militia and village guard. A TV crew was present, and though details are still sketchy, it appears that the village guard troops sided with local ULF fighters and ambushed the army troops posted at all of the roads leading into town.

Above - The leader of the people rejoices in the chaos surrounding him.

Above - A view from the roadblock to the north of town.
Uwandan soldiers trying to advance, but meeting stiff
resistance from the ULF and traitorous village guard.

Government troops at 2 of 4 roadblocks and in town were quickly overwhelmed, while troops at the two remaining roadblocks fought well, and made some progress advancing into town. They inflicted heavy casualties, but were unable to coordinate their attacks and eventually withdrew.

Above - A view of the aftermath of battle at the east end of town. 
A halftrack burns; there are only casualties here.

Between the village guard and ULF militia, only about 20 fighters were available, but were sufficient to overwhelm 30 or more government troops spread out at the roadblocks and in town. Uwandan infantry lost 23 troops and 2 M3 halftracks, while the fighters are estimated to have lost 17 killed or wounded.  It is also believed that a number of villagers were caught in the crossfire.
Above - A view of the town looking East.  ULF and village guard
are still in the streets.  Fighting has ended at all but the northern road block.
Despite being a small action, it is none the less a stinging defeat for Uwanda, and a propaganda prize for the ULF. 
A note on the tribal names.  They are not meant to represent any actual clans or tribal groups.  The Pettu are made up of mostly PETer Pig figs, while the Ogsi consist of mostly Old Glory figs.

AAR2- More Blood at Border Post A59

It took very little time for news of the failure to reach Abdi.  He was furious.  How could things have gone so badly.  They new what to expect, had surprise on their side, and overwhelming numbers.  At once, he suspected that his nephew, who had not yet returned,  had failed him again.  The colonel was not going to like this, Abdi did not like this.  Immediately, he knew what he must do.  Quickly, before the ponderous puppet regime of Uwanda had time to react, he must personally lead another attack.  They would still have surprise and numbers.  Abdi knew that he was a good leader, and that the cause was noble.  Surely they would be victorious this time. 

Frustrated with the results of the raid at Border Post A59, the local ULF leader decided to immediately launch a second attack on the village, and wipe it out as punishment for resisting the cause of the ULF. The raid would come so swiftly, that the Uwandan government would not yet have time to respond to the earlier attack.
The second attack would come from the south of the border post and east of the town. First the already damaged post would be secured, and then the town would pay. 

Above - View of the village looking east. 
Yes, it is a recycled photo, I explain at the end of the AAR.

As it turned out, the attack started just after dawn on the morning of the first attack. The Uwandan Border Patrol had already managed to re-man the post with 12 fresh guards an hour earlier. All posts along the border were getting 12 men deployed to them. Additionally, villages along that section of the border were getting a platoon of Uwandan regular infantry as protection from further attacks.

The ULF commander ran this operation personally, taking two men and reconoitering the border post. He saw that the post had a lot of activity and estimated about ten troops were present.  Despite this surprise, the attack would continue. Afterall, he had 42 fighters under his control, and the element of surprise. He decided to use overwhelming numbers and employ 30 fighters in the attack on the post. He wanted victory to be swift and absolute.

The attack came from the south, and despite their best effort, the dice were again against the ULF. The advancing force was spotted moving among the brush at extreme rifle range (01 on a D100). The guards radioed for help and slowly moved into position.  Help was on the way, but not before the attack started.  Initially, there was a lot of shooting. but not much beng hit.  In time, the casualties began to mount. The ULF took more than it recieved, but with the help of a couple of RPGs, they managed to force a withdraw of the border guards.

Above - Some of the ULF fighters attacking the border post filter
inter the village, before things started to go bad.  The second ULF group
was just out of the view to the left.

While that was taking place, a second force of ULF numbering only about 10 strong cautiously entered the village from the south road. As they got near the village, they realized that it was nearly abandoned. They hit the village elder's house with an  RPG, and began storming dwellings. Over the radio, they became aware that the guards were evacuating, and that help was arriving soon. They found a landrover left by the village militia, and decided to quickly loot what they could.  A few minutes later, while loading the rover, the Uwandan infantry came into view on the west road.

The border guards withdrew to the north, then headed west to the village. On the last seconds of fire at the border post, both ULF leaders involved in the attack were hit and killed.  Once again, ULF morale would fail, and the rebels began to withdraw.

In the town, the ULF troops quickly loaded the rover and tried to get away.  Meanwhile the Uwandan infantry in Saracen APCs spotted the  activity around the rover.  The Uwandan infantry were in poor position to pursue, but did their best, cutting cross-country ,machine guns blazing. they managed to hit the rover and wound  a few of the passengers, who quickly ran into the brush just south of the village.

The Infantry closed, continueing to blaze away, but were surprised by a wounded (and soon to be dead) RPG gunner who hit and disabled a Saracen.  The infantry bailed out, deployed, but decided not to pursue, as the disorganised effort had already cost one APC and three troopers.

Only 23 leaderless ULF troopers returned, leaving several wounded comrades behind for the Uwandans to find.  Again, the border police suffered heavily with 6 KIA and 1 WIA. The Uwandan infantry had 3 wounded from the RPG hit.
The battle swayed back and forth before ending in another decisive Uwandan victory.  A little while later, a Mugabian colonel would be relieved of his duties, and a the ULF would receive a new chief advisor.

Note:  I apologize for the lack of Photos.  I apparantly mislabeled and saved the photos from battle number 3 over those from battle number two, thus the lack of photos.  The good news is that I do have photos for the third AAR.

Additional Note:  These battles are simply not going as planned.  I had great plans for Abdi; his future was bright.  And then he got picked off by a stray D10.  Fate is a funny thing.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

First Attempt at Homemade Decals - Mugabia and Uwanda Aircraft Markings

After a little fussing around, I finally made some aircraft marking decals for a few of my Mugabian and Uwandan aircraft over the last few days.   the decals were printed on four year old Testors white decal sheets, sprayed lightly with the Testers sealant, allowed to dry, and then sprayed again and allowed to dry.

The roundels were pretty small at 3/8" diameter or less, and rather hard to cut out by hand, so I made some punches out of appropriately sized brass tube.  Punching them out wasn't too hard, though a little of the white paper was exposed on some of the decals.  It is most noticeable around the red on the Mugabian roundels.

Below is a Mugabian Mig21:

The instructions said to use a plain paper/normal setting, but I suspect that  the red would have turned out better with a better print quality setting.  So I'll give that a try next time.  All of the aircraft are a work in progress, so some detailing still needs to be done.  I just figured I show some examples of home made decals.

Next is a Uwandan Fiat G91:

And lastly is the QRF Strikemaster:

I know the Strikemaster has a couple blemishes in the fuselage casting, but with some automotive glazing putty, and a wet-sanding stick, it took about 20 minutes to clean up, and I think makes a really nice model.  I've got two of the little beasts, and I love them.

The printer that I printed on was an old, bottom of the line Epson CX3810, proving that  home made decals can be done on a junk printer, and work reasonably well, without too much trouble.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

AAR- First Blood in Uwanda

This is the first battle of my fictional African campaign between the nations of Mugabia and Uwanda using homebrew skirmish rules.  It was a village raid by the Uwanda Liberation Front (ULF), a rebel group backed by Mugabia, against the Uwandan village guard, a sort of makeshift militia/police.  If you need a little background on the forces involved, check here:

It was a typical  night at border post A59.  As always 6 guards were stationed at the post, with two guards on duty at all times. Mostly, the night shift sat and listened to the night. Occasionally a traveller would pass through, but they were few along the border with Mugabia.  Often, one of the guards would drift off, only to be startled awake by the cry of an animal in the wild.

Tonight , Roja was the only thing standing between Uwanda and an invading army, as his comrade was in never-never land.  As Roja was leaning back in his chair with his feet up, he wondered what creature might be snapping the occasional twig in the night.  Briefly, he considered going out to see what it was, but decided that like always, he'd never find it in the darkness.  He fell over backwards as both of the post doors crashed inward, and a man with a gun yelled " Nobody move! You are prisoners of the Uwandan Liberation Front."

The scenario was a night raid on a border check point and small Uwandan town near the border with Mugabia. Uwandan Liberation Front (ULF) forces were to subdue the border guards, collect weapons and equipment, then bring in trucks, raid the village, possibly conscript some new fighters, and gather any useful supplies.

Visibility was very short due to darkness, requiring sighting rolls to identify friend or foe. ULF forces consisted of 3 trucks, 30 fighters, with AKs and one light machine gun. The game consisted of two separate actions; (1) subdue the border post, and (2) raid the village.  Border post A59 had 6 Uwanda border police, while the village had 5 village guard "troops" determined by a die roll just before setup.

Above - A view looking west from the Mugabian side of the border,
 the guard house is in the foreground, the village down the road.

Thanks to bad dice, the first action of the campaign was resolved without a shot fired.  Ten ULF fighters dismounted the lead truck and crossed the border a little north of the border post, and worked their way up to the post.  Despite poor ULF leadership resulting in a slow advance, The guards failed 10 chances to hear, site, or otherwise be alerted by the enemy.  The "battle" was resolved when the ULF fighters kicked in the doors of the guard post and took the Uwandan guards prisoner without a fight. Three ULF fighters were assigned to guard the prisoners.

Above - ULF militiamen preparing to rush into the guardhouse.

The second phase of the scenario, the town raid, was much more violent, and equally surprising.

A group of ULF fighters approached from each road into the town. The East and West road were sealed off to catch fleeing locals, while the ULF leader swept into the town with the third group.  The town featured a sort of village elder, a sort of chief/mayor/ leader of the village guard, etc. The ULF commander decided to sneak into town, subdue the elder, take out a disorganized village guard,  and then gather resources.

Above - The village looking east toward the Mugabian border. 
A road "Tees" in from the right in the center of the village.

As it turned out, on the turn that the ULF burst into the elder's house, the elder was alerted  (via the dice) to the presence of the  ULF outside, so he was prepared for the intrusion and shot the first two fighters through the door. Over the next few turns, ULF fighters got caught in chaos, shot 13 villagers and only one village guard member. They also shot two of their own in the darkness. The village guard managed to kill another 8 ULF members, including the leader, which resulted in catastrophic morale failure for the ULF.

Above - ULF fighters preparing to surprise the village elder,
shortly before their surprise by the village elder.

As the wheels came off of the plan and a lot of gunfire and yelling was heard from the village, the ULF fighters guarding the prisoners, decided to shoot the prisoners and run away. As the first two prisoners were shot, the others tried to fight back. The result was that one of the prisoners wrestled an AK from a ULF guard, wounded him , and killed the other two ULF guards.

In the end, the ULF lost 13 of 30 fighters, with 3 wounded being captured, lost the three trucks, and captured no weapons, prisoners, or supplies. The Uwandans lost 1 village guard, 10 villagers and 5 border guards with an additional three villagers wounded . The Uwandans ended up with three prisoners and after a little searching, three new old trucks.
It didn't take long for one of the prisoners to admit that the Mugabian army had equipped and trained his force, and given the ULF intelligence regarding the border station and village.  The stage was set.  It would be a very hot summer. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

15mm Shanty Town for Modern Africa

The following are pics of 15mm  models that I built sometime back  for my modern African games.  They are based on various photos that I found on the internet.

One of the photos that  I came across was of a makeshift playground in a shanty town.  It inspired the model below. My version has a  makeshift sliding-board and half burried tires along with bits of junk and boulders.

The last pic is of a couple shanties based on those near one of the Blackhawk crash sites in Mogadishu.

They are made from various pieces of patterned styrene sheet, styrene strips, basswood, and blue foam; assembled with superglue and Tenax 7R solvent, and painted with various Polly-Scale, Model Master, and Vallejo paints.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My French Infantry Get a Ride

A few weeks back, I finally got some QRF VABs for my Peter Pig FFL.   Originally, I had intended to make a master and cast them in resin, but after looking at the pic on the QRF site,  I just decided to buy one and move the process along a little faster.

I picked up four castings and they come with that funny shaped hatch/gunshield with the mg that pokes through the "trap door" in the shield for the commander.  Not sure of the proper name for it, but it is a unique design.  Most of the pics that I have of VAB infantry carriers (probably from the late 1980s and early 1990's) show them with a different hatch arrangement (actually, several different hatch arrangements). 

I decided to modify mine with a split hatch that opens up into the gun shield and mounting an M2 .50cal MG.  I don't know if this is particularly proper, but there seemed to be a lot of pics with this arrangement, and they will mostly be used in a fictional African campaign.  Two will be buttoned up, and two will be with hatch open.  I finished the first VAB with the buttoned up hatch tonight, and thought I'd post a couple of pics.

The model is pretty nicely detailed, as is the hatch that comes with the model.  My replacement hatch is made from styrene strip and tube from Evergreen, solvent welded together with Tenax7R applied with the syringe.  The MG is a resin casting that I made many years ago for my WWII M3 half-tracks.  It took about 20 minutes to make the first one, but the others will go faster now that the details are worked out.  Now my French can ride around Africa in style (well, at least a few of them can).

Mugabia & Uwanda: National Markings for my Imagi-Nations

I have tossed this around for quite some time, but hadn't been forced to decide on the flags and national insignias for my fictional countries until now.  Though I have worked on several aircraft for my games, only one battle involved air support (There was no air defense, and both light strike craft missed all of their targets, it was a very bad day for Uwanda). So, there was no rush to figure out markings, but now that I have a couple of proper aircraft stands, and since I am focusing on completing  aircraft over the next couple of months, I figure that it is time.

First, Mugabia, a democratic nation built on free elections, where each citizen must vote for the one candidate on the ballot to represent them.  A former colony, released from the oppression of colonialism, and inspired by the accomplishments of the Marxist/Leninist powers of their world.

The national flag of Mugabia  includes the traditional cultural colors of the region, Black and Yellow, combined with the red of their communist brothers around the world.

Mugabian aircraft will sport a roundel consisting of a yellow star on a black circle surrounded by a band of red.

Uwanda, a new nation were different peoples share a common bond, chose a flag that represents the land and the hope that it offers.  The yellow field represents the earth of the young nation, while  the band of green  represents the hope, beauty and richness that sprouts forth from that earth.  The national flag of Uwanda:

Uwandan aircraft will sport the nation emblem of Uwanda, a green circle in a larger yellow circle:

Now, I need to get to work producing some decal sheets.  I'll add that to my to-do list.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Buildings for 15mm Modern Africa

The following are photos of some of the buildings that I made for my 15mm modern African games.  The buildings were based on various photos mostly found online, and are based on structures located in Angola, Somalia, and the Congo.

Most were made from extruded polystyrene insulation board cut into slabs of various thicknesses.  The walls are cut to size and glued together with artist's matte medium.  Straight pins are used to hold the walls in place while the matte medium dries.  They are mounted on .06" styrene plastic sheet.

That's Kayly helping out in the last two pics.  She is quite the dust collector, when I'm working with the foam. 

 After construction, the buildings were given a coat of acrylic paste and painted with artist's acrylics.

Some of the buildings were constructed in both pre and post battle condition.

The last building is a border security station made from sheet styrene and using GrandtLine styrene windows.

That's it for now, I'll be adding more soon.