While my Bradley sets in the middle of the mold making process, before setting up to cast, I decided to try to make a little headway on my other "forever" project, my AAV7A1.
I think that I started this prior to the Bradley, but it got misplaced for quite some time, and once found, bumped for other projects, home repairs, family stuff, etc., etc. When I started it, I was planning to order some of the Peter Pig U.S. Marines, but the economy stalled, and so did my project. Hopefully, I'll have reason to order those Marines soon. As you can see, it is still some ways from being done, but a late October/early November target shouldn't be pushing it.
Here is a size comparison shot with one of my Humvees. It will ride about 10 percent higher when the track is added and spaced properly from the hull.
Again next to my Humvee, it is a beast.
And lastly, next to a QRF BMP-1, and an Old Glory T-55.
I thought I'd post some photos of my reworked 15mm M2A2 Bradley master. Though my Vietnam terrain has been screaming at me for a month to get it done, I have been focussing what little free time I have on my Bradley master.
I started this thing almost two years ago, and have gone through three stages of altering, updating, and redesigning. It has been waiting for quite some time for me to finish some track and hull detail after changing the skirt and track assembly for ease of casting. I still need to add some of the fasteners for the applique armor, but I expect to finish that tonight.
Above is a size comparison shot with one of my 15mm Humvees.
And a size comparison shot with my Humvee and 15mm infantry figs as follows; Peter Pig FFL, Old Glory Modern US, OG Afghan, and I believe a QRF Soviet (could be a JR Soviet though).
And what is it about work benches? I cleaned this up a couple of weeks back, work on a project for an hour, and am left with an area about the size of my hand to work on the project.